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Applying Lipstick


strengthen your brand foundation, communicate confidently online + attract your dream clients

Have you been in the coaching game for a while but still struggle to get new clients consistently?


Have you tried everything in the book- from social selling to producing a million pieces of content to basically living on social media- and yet, your profits are stagnant?

Does it feel like your efforts haven’t helped your business gain an inch of momentum?

Have you contemplated dropping out of the entrepreneur life to settle for a job (at least you know when the paycheck is coming) but know in your heart that quitting is the worst thing you could possibly do?

You are NOT the kind of woman who is satisfied with less than the best for yourself.


You know what you offer can transform so many lives but how to make that happen has eluded you. 


I’m going to let you in on a little secret… The biggest difference between entrepreneurs who create healthy profits, and those who don’t, is clarity.


Business owners who do the following are stalling their momentum:


  • They change up their message every few weeks

  • They don’t stand for or against anything, causing them to blend in with the competition

  • They change their brand colors and fonts several times a year

  • Their content marketing is sporadically shared and their brand voice fluctuates

  • They have a new offer every month, making it unclear how they can really help people

  • They don’t have confidence in their message or market position.


Does this sound familiar to you?

What I can tell you is this: I’VE BEEN THERE. 

In fact, many times over the years, I’ve made changes in my marketplace position, what I offered, how I showed up, my branding, my marketing and my energy.


The truth is, I wasn’t secure in who I was as a coach so I followed the trends, the money and the gurus instead of listening to my intuition.

My social media following had no clue what I offered or what I stood for because it was always changing.


It wasn’t until I had deep self-awareness that I finally understood how I wanted to show up...


Which cleared up all of the questions about messaging, branding, marketing, offers, pricing and ultimately, my energy. 


What an incredible relief it was to finally feel so confident about my business that I actually wanted to boldly share about it.


That confidence is what finally helped me secure consistent clients (not just any clients… dream clients!)


If you can relate to what I’m sharing and are unclear about all the things, your audience will be confused, too.


And a confused person doesn’t buy.


Are you ready to finally have clarity and create momentum with your business?

It’s time to pair up with someone who can guide you to finding the clarity you need to create the business you dream of!

Blank Canvas

VIP Experience

A blank canvas is the best place to start. Together we will wipe the canvas clean and rebuild a strong business foundation that will be the infrastructure for your thriving business

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Think of it this way...


It’s like applying your makeup for an event that you want to look extra special for… 


It can be challenging and time consuming to create a polished look on yourself, especially when you don’t have the skills or experience for this type of application. Winged liner and false lashes? I don’t know about you but I end up looking like a hot mess when I attempt this myself!


A makeup artist, who is an expert in makeup application, will take your blank canvas and enhance your appearance, highlighting your features and smoothing out your flaws.


​What she creates is you, enhanced, to align with the desires you have for your look.


​In the simplest form, that is what I do for you and your business.


I help you highlight your best skills and build a business that is a true reflection of you.


​Like hiring a makeup artist to help you achieve your desired outcome because her skill set is more advanced than yours, hiring a business coach will save you time, frustration and money when building your business.


The fastest approach to gaining momentum in your business is experience.


​My experience and time invested in building businesses online for over 15 years, gives me so much wisdom to share with you!

What clients are saying about Blank Canvas...

Starting out in a new business I was feeling overwhelmed and stuck, my messaging and branding was all over the place.

I felt defeated before I was even out of the gate.

I feel so blessed I was able to connect with Tammy, not only do we have a love for shoes, her sense of style and passion for business is evident in her work.

She felt my frustration and was calm and patient with me. Always listening and asking the correct questions, guiding me to listen to my voice and use that voice to attract the right clients for my mission.

She was able to look over all my current content and position me in the right direction.

Once we established my clear mission, I was able to build my content and brand without stress  .

She is an expert in her field, has an eye for branding, and her ability to listen and see where her clients want to be is a gift.

When you're frustrated and can't get the results in your business, having a fresh pair of "Tammy Eyes" is the way to go. You will be totally refreshed and set up for success.

I can't wait to work together in the future as my business grow.

PS: I changed my branding colors daily and Tammy was spot on with my vibe each time and if it wasn't for her, even this simple task would have not been accomplished correctly.

Kristen Young, SelfHealth Coaching

What to expect

Blank Canvas is designed to strengthen your brand foundation, teach you how to communicate confidently + give you strategies for attracting your dream clients on social media and across your digital platform.


There are 5 areas that you will gain clarity on…

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Radical Self Awareness


Success begins with understanding yourself. To be a highly-impactful entrepreneur, you have to understand who you are at the core.


Sometimes, we get confused about our dreams and goals because there is so much noise online. We may adopt other’s visions as our own, which will ultimately cause your business to fail or flounder because the vision is not yours.


We dive deep on this topic to make sure we position you in a way that feels authentic, yet stands out in the crowded online space.

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Become Obsessed with your Dream Client⁠


This is a key component to creating the right brand messaging.


Many entrepreneurs don’t do the work to really understand who they want to attract and work with.


When you clearly understand who you desire to serve, it becomes easier to determine your messaging, branding, offers, and pricing.

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Create an Unforgettable Brand Vibe⁠


How your brand looks and feels online impacts the perception people have of your business. We’ll work together to determine the best look, position and energy to create a community that rally’s around your brand.

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Spotlight-Worthy Content


Content is the soul of any online business. 


If you feel like nobody is listening to you online and you are struggling to reach those you wish to serve, it’s because your messaging is blending in with others in your industry.

Your business success is less about what you offer and more about how you show up.


Content helps you stand out as an original, attracts your dream clients, and puts you on the fast-track to becoming the must-hire coach in your industry.

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Nurture Your Hype Crew

Your Hype Crew will share your content, talk you up, engage with you, hire you, refer you, answer your poll questions and buy your products!

Discover how to grow your crew!

Join me! Your Time is Now!

Here is the bottom line… clarity gives you confidence.

With confidence, you show up differently.

THIS is what attracts those dream clients of yours and THIS is how you are going to create that momentum you so desire for your business.

Stop spinning out.
Stop pivoting and shifting.
Stop questioning everything you do.
Stop following trends and gurus.
Stop switching things up in hopes you’ll find your magic formula.
And most of all, STOP thinking that you’re never going to succeed.

The magic is already inside of you, we just have to pull it out and write it down. 
Writing things down enables a higher level of thinking, and therefore, more focused action.

Let’s do it together. I’m here for you.

Sign up today and get the clarity you desire.

Your investment: $2500


Program options:


Depending on your urgency and availability, I offer Blank Canvas in 2 formats:


5 Hour VIP Day, including a one hour follow up call scheduled 14-21 days after the original VIP Experience


Or, a 6 Week program with weekly one hour calls.


14 Days of Voxer support is provided at the end of either format. I’ve found accountability to be a game changer for creating momentum.

Inquire about scheduling a call
if you have questions.


Remember, if you wait for the “right time,” you’ll be in the exact same position 6 months from now.


Q: If I choose VIP Day, how is it conducted?
A: This a virtual VIP Experience conducted over Zoom. Please be sure you have strong wifi, as well as a working camera and microphone on your computer.  Create a distraction free zone during our appointment. This work requires focus.

Q: Are in-person Blank Canvas VIP Experiences available?
A: YES, they are available for individuals and small groups. Inquire for a price quote.

Q: I’m just starting out. Is Blank Canvas VIP Experience for me?
A: Blank Canvas is for those who are interested in building a legacy and growing their businesses with integrity and joy. If that is you, BC is a great option to help you start your business with a strong foundation!

Q: Are there payment plans?
A: If you need a payment plan, let me know and we can make it happen. 50% will be due at time of booking and 50% will be divided into 3 payments due every 30 days until paid off.  If you choose to cancel prior to the first session, your initial payment will not be refunded. Please email me to discuss.

Q: Do you offer refunds?
A: Due to the nature of the program, refunds will not be issued.

Q: Do you offer a result guarantee?
A: No, since your results are based on your efforts and implementation of the strategies I teach you, I can not offer a guarantee. What I can tell you is, if you stay consistent and apply the foundation we create for your coaching business, you will see an increase in visibility, influence and profitability.

Q: Will you make a price adjustments for me if I do not live in the United States?
A: No, all programs, coaching and courses provided by The Coaching Edit are in U.S. dollars.

Communicating confidently online helps you book your dream clients. Ready?

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