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Create an Iconic Brand that Attracts a

Loyal Community of Dream Clients

Captivate Your dream clients online

You walk into any setting with unwavering confidence, knowing that your personal growth journey shines through, showcasing your inner strength and leadership qualities...


so why is it so difficult to show up online the same way?

In the real world, your presence is powerful.


Your journey has sculpted a persona that commands respect and admiration.


Yet, when it comes to translating that same energy online, something falls short. Your inner light dims, and your message gets lost in the noise.


What if I told you that the same confidence and clarity you exhibit in person can be harnessed to build a robust online presence? One that not only reflects your true self but also attracts your ideal clients and propels your career to new heights?

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In today's digital age, a powerful online presence is essential for professional women to amplify their visibility, establish credibility, and control their personal brand.

Whether you are a career woman, business owner, or entrepreneur, a robust online presence attracts your ideal clients and propels your business to new heights.


Imagine showcasing your unique value, connecting with a global audience, and standing out in your industry with ease.

I know that you are NOT the kind of woman who is satisfied with less than the best for yourself.


I know that you believe that your work can impact many lives but the sheer volume of information and competition online can make it hard to feel seen and heard.

I know that you are working hard to get new business consistently but the fear of negative feedback or not being good enough can hold you back from showing up boldly.


I know that you are doing what you believe is right, including producing a million pieces of content and basically living on social media, but without a clear understanding of your unique value and message, it's challenging to stand out.


I know you because I was you.


Many times over the years, I’ve made changes in my marketplace position, what I offered, how I showed up, my branding, my marketing and my energy.


The truth is, I wasn’t secure in how I showed up online so I followed the trends, the money and the gurus instead of following to my intuition.

Sign me up!

It wasn’t until I had deep self-awareness that I finally understood how I wanted to show up...


Which cleared up all of the questions about messaging, branding, marketing, offers, pricing and ultimately, my energy. 


What an incredible relief it was to finally feel so confident about my business that I actually wanted to boldly share about it.


That confidence is what finally helped me secure consistent clients (not just any clients… dream clients!).

I’m going to let you in on a little secret…

The biggest difference between professional women who create healthy profits and those who don’t is clarity.

Pairing up with someone who can guide you to find the clarity you need to create the online presence that captivates your dream clients is a game-changer.

Over the years, I've become super clear about my goals, dreams, and what I wanted for my business.

This clarity was transformative for me.

The place I needed to start making changes was in my online presence.

I knew who I was, what I wanted to help others achieve, and how I wanted to show up, but I wasn’t communicating that.

Instead, I was trying to implement what was working for others.

I began to understand that in today’s online business world, success comes from being yourself.

If you are hiding behind quotes, stock photos, or strategies that work for others but feel cringy to you, then you won’t see the consistent, ongoing success you desire.

Since discovering that the most important success tool I have is literally ME, I have been sharing with others how to highlight their best skills and bring out their brilliant personalities to build careers that are a true reflection of them.

In this empowering experience, I’m sharing with you exactly how to do that so you can become an iconic brand that your dream client wants to work with over and over again… just by being yourself!



a private empowerment experience to help you create an iconic brand that attracts a loyal community of dream clients


What we'll cover



Understand who you are at your core to have a highly-captivating online presence



Be passionate about those you serve



Captivate your dream client



Your signature method for online visibility

The Captivate methodology will help you communicate confidently, attract your dream clients
and lead with impact!

What Makes captivate different?

There is something about showing up online in front of a global audience that often makes us question our public persona, shrink or even opt to not show up.

But if we don't show up confidently, how will we serve others?

With Captivate, you'll transform your online presence to reflect your true self, attract your ideal clients, and propel your business to new heights.

Many personal branding programs offer a basic level of questioning to draw out how you’d like to show up online. Captivate is a deep, soul-searching, empowering experience that will help you in both your personal and professional life. ​

The Captivate methodology is a way to draw out your essence so you can shine as brightly online as you do off.


Confidence Drives Success

Here is the bottom line… brand clarity gives you confidence.


With confidence, you show up differently.


THIS is what attracts those dream clients of yours and THIS is how you are going to create that momentum you so desire for your career or business.


You’ve spent years getting to know yourself.

It’s your time to showcase it and create a beautiful future for yourself.


Your online presence is a vehicle to the success you dream of.


Whether you are a CEO, business owner or just starting out in your professional career, I’m here for you.


Starting out in a new business I was feeling overwhelmed and stuck, my messaging and branding was all over the place.


I felt defeated before I was even out of the gate.


I feel so blessed I was able to connect with Tammy, not only do we have a love for shoes, her sense of style and passion for business is evident in her work.


She felt my frustration and was calm and patient with me. Always listening and asking the correct questions, guiding me to listen to my voice and use that voice to attract the right clients for my mission.

Kristen Young / Functional Nutrition Coach / SelfHealth Coaching

I feel more confident in myself and my business since this day. I am working on things when I am working, learning to say no and yes when needed. I feel like I have a good game planned for my business.

Billie-Jo Cochran / Recipe Expert / Billie-Jo's Kitchen

About Me

As a professional fashion blogger for 13 years, I became quite intrigued with personal branding, messaging, and the power of women who show up for themselves.


Using my skills and knowledge of the power of being present online, I began to help other women create visibility with a brand vibe unmatched by any other.


I am passionate about using my skills to help other women, just like you, show up confidently in their online presence so that they can gain visibility to collaborate, impact, and improve profits, resulting in living the extraordinary life they dream of.

fashion blogger.jpg

Call 1: Deep Dive Onboarding (90 min) 

Call 2: Radical Self-Awareness (60 min)
The journey begins with you. Radical self-awareness is the cornerstone of a successful business and a fulfilling life. Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, values, and vision is essential. This step is about peeling back the layers to uncover your authentic self

Call 3: Client Obsession (60 min)
A successful business is built on understanding and serving your clients better than anyone else. This step focuses on becoming obsessed with your clients' needs, desires, and pain points.

Call 4: Captivating Brand Vibe (60 min)
Your brand is more than just a logo or a color scheme; it's the essence of who you are and how you make people feel. Creating a captivating brand vibe means crafting an identity that resonates deeply with your audience.

Call 5: Spotlight-Worthy Content (60 min)
Content is the vehicle through which your brand communicates with the world. Spotlight-worthy content is about creating high-impact, valuable, and engaging content that showcases your expertise and draws your audience in.


1 60-minute follow-up session, 2- 3 weeks after call 5.

What We'll Cover

Your Investment

6 Weeks $2500

payment plan available
$1300 x 2

unlock your potential

When you show up with confidence and clarity, you lay the foundation for an online presence that supports your business or career.  


It also supports the life of your dreams. Imagine waking up every day excited to work in a way that aligns with your values and passions, knowing that you're making a real impact in the world.

Through this empowerment journey, you'll gain:

Clarity: Understand your purpose, your audience, and your goals with crystal-clear precision.

Confidence: Show up powerfully online, knowing that your message resonates and attracts your ideal clients.

Connection: Build meaningful relationships with your audience and clients, fostering loyalty and trust.

Growth: Achieve measurable business growth by implementing proven strategies tailored to your unique journey.

Are you ready to show up online with the same unwavering confidence you possess in person? Are you ready to build a career that not only succeeds but also supports the life of your dreams?

Join Captivate today and take the first step on this transformative journey. Together, we'll unlock your potential, amplify your message, and create a business foundation that is strong, resilient, and destined for success.

Have Questions?

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