Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered, “What happened to me?” Maybe you feel like you’ve lost your spark—the fire that once drove you, the excitement that fueled your passions and dreams. You’re not alone. So many women find themselves in the same place, going through the motions but feeling hollow inside. Life has gotten overwhelming, and somewhere along the way, you've forgotten who you truly are.
The good news? You can get it back. But first, let’s talk about a few signs that may indicate you've lost that vital part of yourself:
Bitterness has crept in. Once, you saw the world with curiosity and optimism. Now, you find yourself questioning people’s motives and doubting that things will ever change for the better. It’s easy to fall into the trap of bitterness, especially when life feels heavy. But that spark? It's still in there, just waiting to reignite.
You’re constantly second-guessing yourself. You doubt your abilities, your worth, and your choices. You seek validation from others because somewhere along the way, you forgot all the God-given magic you bring to the world. You’re not showing up in your fullness, because deep down, you’ve forgotten just how capable you are.
Stress is your constant companion. You wake up each day feeling like you're barely keeping your head above water. The joy you once felt has been replaced with an endless to-do list, and life has become something you just try to survive. There’s no room to breathe, let alone thrive.
You’re always exhausted. Even after a full night’s sleep, you feel drained. It’s more than physical tiredness; it’s emotional and spiritual weariness. You’ve accepted that this is just how life is now, but what if it doesn’t have to be?
You feel unfulfilled. At the end of the day, there’s a nagging sense that something’s missing. You’ve asked yourself more than once, “Is this all there is?” That question haunts you because you know, deep down, that you were made for more.
This is not the life you were designed for.
God made you for purpose, for beauty, for joy. When we step outside of that—when we settle for less than what we’re capable of—life begins to feel hollow. We lose our connection to the spark that makes us feel alive.
It’s not too late to get it back.
Our bodies and hearts long for meaning. We’re meant to work hard, to pour ourselves into things that matter, and to make a difference in our corner of the world. But too often, we get trapped in negative cycles of stress, overwhelm, and self-doubt. Especially when we've experienced adversity, trauma or disappointment.
Here’s the truth, we live in a world that makes it easy to play small, to settle, and to believe that the fire inside of you is something to be tamed. But that fire? It’s exactly what we need. It’s exactly what you need.
Imagine what would happen if you started taking steps toward the life you were meant to live. Yes, it might feel scary, and yes, it would take courage. But in the process, you’d also feel incredibly alive. That version of you that you’ve tucked away? She’s not gone. She’s waiting for you to take the first step toward reclaiming your life.
You were made for a purpose, and the world needs you to show up fully. When you step into that purpose, unafraid to live out loud, sharing your story and contribute your unique gifts, you pave the way for others to do the same. Your journey isn’t just about you—it’s about the women who will come after you, the women who will see you living your truth and be inspired to do the same.
So, stop falling for the lie that what you do doesn’t matter. It does. Your life, your spark, your passion—they all matter. And the world needs you to go all in.
It’s time to stop holding back. Take the leap. Let that spark burn bright again.
The world is waiting for you.